Friday, January 23, 2009

Brunch with the Ladies

Ruby and I had brunch with Aunt Lindsay, Aunt Allie, and Aunt Andrea (Ruby's Godmothers) at Breadwinner's in Uptown. We had a great day with the girls. They are some of the very best girlfriends I could ever ask for, and Ruby is so blessed to have such wonderful, beautiful, and strong role-models! I love you, ladies!!!

Here's Ruby with her Beautiful Godmothers.

"You have a a bar!" (they open up the Quarter Bar for overflow brunch seating). Ruby got hungry too!

One Whole Month!!

Happy One-Month Birthday, Sweetpea!

Here's the Birthday Girl with mommy.

Birthday Kisses

Isn't she getting SO big!!!
No more pictures, please!

Having fun playing and listening to music.

Sleeping beauty - napping in mommy's bed.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ruby co-hosts her first party!

Ruby and I co-hosted an Engagement Shower for our friends Ethan & Ashley. It was an all-out Fiesta, complete with fajitas, margaritas, and lots of friends!

We had a great time and it was so fun to get to see everyone! Congratulations Ethan & Ashley! We can't wait until the big day!

Here we are with the beautiful bride-to-be.

Ruby's First Bath and First Walk

Ruby's First Bath (her umbillical cord fell off on January 7th). We'll get the hang of this eventually!

We also took the first walk through our neighborhood! It was a beautiful day, but a little chilly, so Ruby was bundled up. Her pediatrician recommended getting her outside during the morning to get some light sun exposure in order to help regulate her sleep cycle. It seems to be helping a little bit so far! Here are a few pictures of Ruby and Mimi on our walk.

Ruby's 2-Week Doctor's Visit

Last week we took Ruby to her 2-week Pediatrician appointment. Her Doctor, Dr. Yaeger, said that she is perfect!

Ruby weighed in at 8.0 pounds (almost a full pound of weight gain!) and she had grown 1.25 inches since her 2-day visit! She's a growing girl!

Here are a few pictures. I'm not too sure that she likes Dr. Yaeger - she cries louder at these visits than she does any other time. She also had to have another PKU test where they prick her heel to collect blood for testing. We were both crying during this one, but we lived through it. I'm sure it was much more traumatic on me than it was on her!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Hi everyone! Happy New Year! I'm really looking forward to this new year. As my mom has said - 2008 wasn't great, but 2009 will be just fine! I'm so excited about all of the fun adventures that Ruby and I will have together this year.
I wanted to share a few pictures with you from Ruby's newborn photo session. My friend Jonnye Bower is an AMAZING photographer (the link to her blog is over on the right side of this page). She did a newborn photo session for Ruby, and the pictures turned out beautifully.

It was also Ruby's very first play-date - Jonnye's little girl, Alina, was born 50 minutes before Ruby was!! We had to document the big occasion in pictures too. I think that they had fun (although they both slept through most of it).

Jonnye - thank you so very much, from the bottom of my heart. You are so amazingly talented and I'm honored to have you as a friend!