Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tis the Season!

We are really getting into the Christmas mood! It seems like we're going to Christmas parties left and right, and are having SO much fun! Ruby is at such a fun age - she gets so excited when she sees Santa, or if there is a potential to see Santa somewhere. She's catching on to the Christmas songs and will start singing occasionally. She is really verbal - talks my ear off all day long and I love every second of it! I've made the majority of my Christmas presents this year, so I've been pretty busy the past couple of months. I never really thought of myself as "crafty", so we'll have to see how well they are recieved!
Here are a few pictures from a Christmas party benefiting SafeHaven charities at University Park Village. Ruby had a great time mingling and dancing, until the Santa Cow from Chick-fil-a showed up. She really doesn't like people in costumes, much like her mother.
(Santa Cow is directly behind us here, hence her terror)
I've also been volunteering as much as possible with Texas Ballet Theater - either with the Special Events director or with the box office. I enjoy my time so much when I'm helping them out. Here is a picture of the fabulous box office (me, Kayleb, & Lee Anne) from the Nutcracker performance the other evening.